万物互联网观察家 海外营销 2023-09-08 09:32:08 · 热度999



有这样一个外贸案例,有家澳大利亚的大公司,非常有实力,他们看上了我朋友(丽丽,用丽丽代替我朋友名字)她公司的产品,需要下百万订单,通过网上简单沟通后,接着派人来工厂考察。客户来了五个人:两个Ladies,穿着裙子,三个Gentlemen,衬衣革履。丽丽(业务经理)和老板,还有业务助理,他们五个人,一共八个人,围在一个桌子谈判。客户拿出厚厚的文件夹,逐个问题问。比如,一个人会问你关于工厂生产方面的:How many workers are there in your factory ? How many production lines do you have ? 公司有多少工人,有多少条生产线,然后another one又接上: Have you cooperated with any companies in Australia before, give us some examples。之前有跟澳大利亚公司合作过吗?给我们一些案例看看。每个人问几个问题:小到产品的设计,如何改动,大到付款方式,货运安排,谈的非常详细。我们老板不懂英语,业务助理帮忙打杂,丽丽一个人独挑大梁,舌战老外。但有些问题还是要和老板商量过再回答。 有的不该说的,当然不会说,比如说客户会说,your price is too high,we will lose money in this order. 丽丽会对老板说,客户说我们的价格高了点,可以再给一点折扣吗? 作为业务经理,翻译客户的语言的时候,不能太死板,不懂变通容易让生意砸了。这次谈判,这些澳洲客户对我们很信任,给了样品费,决定先打样看看,然后再决定进一步合作。



My boss has just spoken to me and told me you want to increase the price ? From the beginning we have always agreed to one price. I had gotten quotes from many companies and because I was happy with your price I went along and asked you to create the product for me. During our conversations from the beginning until now, you have never told me you will increase the price,You can’t come now, after the sample is created and were happy and tell me you want to change the price.

Keep in mind, I had another company in China who created us a sample too, and it looks just as great as yours. If my boss is not happy with you, he will ask me to go with the other company. I think you’re a nice person and have done the sample really good, and I want to continue business with you. We will be an ongoing customer with you, so please keep the price as before.

Please let me know, so I can speak to my boss.


Dear Tina,

Good afternoon !

Thanks so much for your email.

Yes, if you want to make the effect just like that sample we sent you. We indeed have to increase the price. It cost too much for making the shiny effect .Yes, we didn't tell you before, partially, that's maybe my fault, if it really caused trouble to you, I apologize for that. We can tell you that the major problem is not changing the MDF material from 9 mm to 20 mm, it doesn't cost too much, we almost can keep the price as before. The major problem is that in order to make the shiny effect ,we have to spray too much nice paint on the surface.That is far more than our expectation.

We know that every customer would have many suppliers, that is no problem. Market is open and fair.

在这封邮件里面,丽丽首先表明自己立场,坚持价格,告诉他们: 你们要的产品表面闪亮效果我们需要花费大力气去做(潜台词:成本就是要这么高)。然后,我放低自己,承认自己要部分负责(勇于承担一点责任,会缓解一下客户的怒火)。 接着告诉她,主要的问题不是材料厚度增加,而是产品的外表效果,如果做到你们要求的话,我们要喷上昂贵的油漆,最后,我摊开了,告诉他,你们有很多供应商也很正常,因为市场是开放的( 潜台词就是说:你们也可以找其他公司做,显得对自己的产品和价格充满信心)。同时也跟她们老板Jack 说明,不要怪她没有负责好这个单子(给她一点人文关怀,显得不是冷漠无情的商务合作)

Dear Jack

Tina is a nice,hardworking and responsible girl. Please don't blame her for anything about this order.

If there is any problem, we can further discuss. Thanks.



I'm not blaming Tina however I need to know what price you are asking for this new sample as both our understanding was what you sent over was what discussed and at that price. It’s not the best practise to send something and then increase the price after discussions.

Can you tell me what the new price in this quality is now. Hopefully it’s not gone up much.

在这封邮件里面,他们老板Jack 告诉丽丽,他没有责备采购经理Tina,同时,他也给我施加压力,说寄送样品了才说价格提升,这不是一个好的行为。同时想知道我们要的实际价格是多少。其实呢,客户是有点装傻了,产品从最初的简单到后面的那么复杂精美,价格肯定有提升,他们不会不知道的哦!他们装傻,我们也是装傻了,这也算是一种商业智慧吧!丽丽看到他们老板出马了,有压力,但是更多的是兴奋! 为什么呢? 因为采购经理,不一定有拍板权,但是作为老板,肯定有拍板权,这个时候,就是想办法说服他了。丽丽从容淡定的避开了价格,回复Jack的邮件, 如下:

I'm glad to hear that you won't blame Tina. You are both very kind.Why we increased the price ? please compare these two style samples, One is the original one, the other is the final one. You will get the answer.


Can you please reconsider your price. I am giving you good number for the first order based on your quote and I would like you to come closer back to this.

I look forward to hearing from you.

我和老板商量之后,价格适当了降下来了5美金 ( 也就是价格增加一倍之后,降下5美金each unit) ,好让客户有点得利的心理。这个时候,那个老板Jack被彻底征服了!他回复如下:

Please do not alter the quality of what you have sent over. The quality is good and anything cheaper would not be liked by our customer. We will just have to bite the bullet on the price difference.

在这里,客户要我们保持原来的质量(最后一次样板的),不要改动质量,然后就答应做了。同时,他用了一个英语成语 : bite the bullet 咬紧子弹。 这个词他用的非常不错,哈哈!bite the bullet 就是咬紧牙关,忍受痛苦的意思。以前打仗,伤员要动手术,战场上没有好的设备,所以,就只能咬着子弹,忍受痛苦做手术了( 类似我们看的革命电影,受伤的英雄要咬着木头做手术,才可以进行)。但是,其实客户在这里是虚张声势了,他们公司非常大,品质要求高,不会承受不起这些钱的。

这一单的危机,就这样被丽丽化解了,成功的帮公司搞定了一个大订单。和外国人英语谈判,一定要从容淡定,善于找出对己方有利的优势,认真分析客户注重的是什么。只要是合理的理由,客户都可以接受。 我这里说的例子,好像和英语没有多大关系,就是说一次商务谈判一样。其实,我想说的是,正是因为现实情况复杂,如果我们懂英语,在这个时候才发挥出优势。 如果你不能用英语清楚的表达自己的观点和意思,你能征服客户吗? 英语越好的人,表达才能越清楚,客户才会觉得和你沟通没有困难。


1. 客户是注重品质的,我们的产品品质达到他们要求,我也一直在强调产品成本高,品质好,他们觉得花这个钱是值得的。(品质跟得上)


3. 作为沟通者,要有良好的商务谈判技巧,懂得该如何进,如何退,如何让,如何收。(沟通能力跟得上)

4. 客户貌似不差钱。(客户财力跟得上)。
